
Thank you for purchasing my theme.

After you download our theme from Themeforest you will have and when you extract you will see:

  • 1. Documentation
  • 2. Licensing
  • 3.
  • 3. child-theme

Theme Requirements

To use this theme you must be running at least WordPress 4.7, PHP 5.6.20 or higher.

We recommend that you contact your web hosting service provider to make sure that your server PHP configuration limits are as follows:

  1. max_execution_time 600
  2. memory_limit 128M
  3. post_max_size 32M
  4. upload_max_filesize 32M

If you are running dedicated server or VPS, you should check your php.ini file. Alternatively, you can edit .htaccess file in the root of your website and add the following values:

  1. php_value max_execution_time 600
  2. php_value memory_limit 128M
  3. php_value post_max_size 32M
  4. php_value upload_max_filesize 32M

Install theme

  1. Log into your WordPress
  2. go to Appearance -> themes then click on "add new"
  3. In the "Add new" page, click “Upload Theme”
  4. In the "Upload" page, click “Browse” to browse for the theme installation file in donwloaded package Click "Install Now".
  5. After installed successfully, click "Activate" to make the Applay active

Active plugin

After install our theme you need to active this plugin for make theme work full feature

  • 1. Generik Function
  • 2. Elementor
  • 3. WooCommerce

Import Demo Content

  1. Log into your WordPress
  2. Go Appearance -> import demo data
  3. Then choose options and import demo

Setup Logo

  1. Go to Appearance -> and click on (Customize)
  2. Click on theme options -> Logo for upload image
  3. And Choose image for your logo

Setup Homepage

  1. go to page -> click on add new
  2. choose template on the righ Home Page Builder
  3. click on publish now you have homepage template
  4. for custom home page please click on edit with elemetor

Using page builder

After you click on edit with elemetor it will bring you to elemetor builder, in this area you can customize your homepage, your page many style and layout.

For make blog layout follow this step:

  1. Scoll down you will see Generik element
  2. Drag element on left side to area on right side for use it
  3. After you drop element on area right side you will see options section title sub title cateogry tag and more.....
  4. When you finish setup home you can Update to publish your page

Setup post format

  1. go to post edit or add
  2. Then choose post format (standard, gallery, quote, video, audio)
  3. On section post format will display options depend on post format you choose

Setup post layout

  1. Go to post edit or add
  2. Scroll down you will options for post layout
  3. And you can choose post style for for you post

Custom sidebar

  1. Go to Appearance -> custom sidebar
  2. Click on Add Sidebar and for add new one
  3. After you add new sidebar you will your custom sidebar in widgets

Setup menu

  1. Go to Appearance -> menu
  2. In menu area you can add page, post, category and custom link to menu

Setup menu post

Before setup menu post you need to create custom sidebar then add widget jellywp: recent post large to your custom sidebar. Now you can follow this setp to add widget to menu

  1. Go to Appearance -> Custom Sidebars (add new sidebar without space EX: menupost)
  2. Go to Appearance -> widget add jellywp: Recent post large to sidebar menupost
  3. Go to Appearance -> menu
  4. Click expend menu item to show setting
  5. Check on Use widget menu
  6. Then choose widget to display on menu

Night Mode

  1. Go to Appearance -> customize
  2. Click on theme options -> General Setting
  3. Check on Enable dark mode button

Setup fullwidth post

  1. go to post edit or add
  2. Scroll down and check on Check this to enable single post content full for fullwidth post

Social icons header

  1. Go to Appearance -> Customize
  2. Click on Theme Options
  3. Click on Social Header Link
  4. Fill social link you want

Theme Options

  1. Go to Appearance -> customize
  2. Click on Theme Options
  3. Then select options you want to custom (Logo, General setting, Typography, Blog & Single Post, Sidebar, Social Header Link, Footer)
  • Logo you can custom your logo image with dark and light mode
  • General setting in this setting you can manage show or hide feature, custom color, theme color, menu color, background menu and more...
  • Typography you can curom font size, font style, and font family
  • Blog & Single Post you can choose post header style and manage show or hide feature in post
  • Sidebar you can choose sidebar for page, post, category, tag, search, author and archive
  • Social Header Link you can display your social media by add your social media link
  • Footer in this setting you can choose footer background color, text color, choose footer collumns and add copy right in your footer